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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Grammar Matters, Even Online

For some reason Internet slang never really became part of my vernacular (it’s kind of like Spanish in that I can understand it, sometimes speak it, but rarely write it) and I guess I should consider myself lucky. For whatever reason it seems like I am receiving more and more letters and emails with blatant grammatical errors. I’m not just referring to simple mistakes like misusing their, there, and they’re or not using commas correctly. I’m talking about huge and obvious mistakes like Inappropriate Capitalization, misspelled words, and lack of appropriate structure. This has even been the case with some blogs and other online resources I have been reading lately. There is a very popular blog whose administrator writes effectively, but has a regular contributor that writes articles that are completely messed up from start to finish (by the way, if the contributor can’t write well, shouldn’t that administrator be acting as an editor?). It’s a shame because the ideas expressed on this blog are generally good and progressive enough to create a conversation about them.

When you don’t take the time to proof your work people don’t take you seriously. It seems like you don’t have enough pride in your own work to ensure that you’ve written it properly and I have trouble accepting that.

This is probably strange, especially considering my age and the fact that none of my peers care, but I always make sure that every text message I send is properly written, including capitalization and punctuation. Even though no one else takes the time, I want to make sure that I do so I don’t get in the habit of writing poorly.

We all work really hard trying to express ourselves and this is something basic that everyone already expects you to do. Please take a few extra minutes to click the "Spell Check" button before submitting something. If not for you, then do it for me. Even though it’s only a blog, or a Tweet, or an email, it all becomes a document and that document is black and white. There is no going back and now tangible proof exists that you don’t know what you’re doing (and that’s a shame because you’re probably very intelligent, but your shortcuts don’t back up that assertion).

Take the time to be precise. It's worth it.
By David Kotowski

How Can You Go About Making Money Online

More and more people are catching on to the wonderful opportunities that exist through working on the internet to make money, while few of these internet businesses will bring in enough cash to let you quit your day job, they are perfect if you would like a little more money to supplement your salary.

The internet is full of opportunities to take advantage of. Unfortunately, a majority of the entrepreneurs seem to fail with an online business. But there are some things you can do to go about making money online.

One of the toughest things you will find about an online business is the endless amount of freedom you have. The problem some have is actually sitting down and working a regular shift. There are far more distractions at your home then there would be at an office. Therefore, you have to be motivated and dedicated to get your work done.

A problem many sites have is creating fresh and enticing content. There are far too many sites that have repetitive content that some other site used. Instead of being original, these sites took information and reworded it. If you want to separate yourself from the competitors, you have to come up with new ideas. This will also pave the way for return customers.

While the content on your site is crucial, so too is the design. You want to create a visually appealing site that people will want to come to. The combination of solid content and a visually appealing site will allow you to reel in customers left and right. And if you cannot create a professional looking site, do not be afraid to ask for help.

If you want to be successful on the internet, you must be persistent and consistent. When it comes to the marketing aspect, you have to be consistent with your efforts. Just because you have traffic coming to your site does not mean you can stop marketing. And when promoting your site, be persistent and let your prospects know they will be better after purchasing what you have to offer.

Lastly, do not be afraid to take chances and change. The internet is constantly changing and evolving. You have to be willing to expand your business as things on the internet change. If you stay the way you are, you are sure to get passed by your competition. There is no room on the internet for hesitancy, and if you want to go anywhere on the internet you have to take chances.

Making money online is not the easiest thing to do. Too many people go into an online business with the impression they will get rich quick without having to work that hard. It is possible to be successful online, but you have to be willing to work at it. Follow the tips listed above and you will be on your way to a successful business.

By Gavin cole